Monday, February 13, 2012

5 Things to Do With a Toddler When the Weather is Bad

5 Things to Do With a Toddler When the Weather is Bad

There are regularly lots of things to do with a toddler when the weather exterior is nice - go for a walk, go to the park, play in the yard and so on.

5 Things to Do With a Toddler When the Weather is Bad

5 Things to Do With a Toddler When the Weather is Bad

5 Things to Do With a Toddler When the Weather is Bad

5 Things to Do With a Toddler When the Weather is Bad

5 Things to Do With a Toddler When the Weather is Bad

But what about those days when it is pouring rain, or in the middle of a winter cold-spell, or while a summer heat wave? What then?

Here are 5 great ideas for things to do with a toddler when you just can't be outside.

Number 1 - Visit the communal library - and not to read books. Take your toddler to the library. Many libraries in cities across North America have 'Kids' play and recognize areas. For example, in our city - most of the Hamilton communal Library locations have an area where your toddler can play until they get tuckered out. They have a petite train set up for playing, a puppet stage for those aspiring actors, puzzles galore. Its Free and a great way to spend an active hour with your child.

Number 2 - Visit a child museum. I was amazed how many fun and curious things there are to see and do at a children's museum. And you may be pleasantly surprised to find out that there is one in your city or a colse to city. Just go on-line and in your favourite search engine like Google or Yahoo type in children museum.

The children museum in our city has big blocks to play with, musical instruments to experiment with, a paint room with aprons (it still will be messy - but so what it's fun), rocks with fossils to feel and see, fish tanks, colouring stations, and a whole bunch more. It may not be free in your city but it will not cost very much. Check it out for great fun with your child.

Number 3 - Visit a firm furnish store like Staples or a big box store like Costco or Sam's Club. I know you must be thinking how much fun can that be. Most of our Kids like to ride in a shopping cart. So when it's not so nice exterior I head off to one of these shop and put my guy in the cart and we can spend up to an hour walking the aisles. We stop to pick up something colourful - like a pad of coloured sticky notes. We feel them, we smell them and then we put them back. A bit unusual but still loads of fun!

Number 4 - Go grocery shopping. The trick here is that this is not the time to buy a long list of groceries - just buy a few things. This is an outing for focusing on your baby and experiencing all the things in the store. Pop your toddler in the shopping cart and look at the Green peppers, the Red peppers, hold a box of Kleenex, shake a box of macaroni, feel the roughness of a kiwi, and so on.

Number 5 - Visit a restaurant for a snack. One of my favourite things to do is to visit a coffee shop or even a McDonald's for a snack. This outing will work at any restaurant that has a high chair and sells somewhat healthy food - such as a muffin. We do this once a week - go to one of the other outings mentioned above and then head to a Williams Coffee Shop of a McDonald's. I order a muffin for sharing, a glass of ice water for sipping and a coffee for me. I put my guy in a high chair, and we enjoy sharing the muffin and let him convention sipping water out of a glass - no sippy cups here - slurping the water down his shirt is part of the fun.

There is regularly lots of habitancy to look at, music playing in the background and great firm sharing a snack with each other. It can't be any better than this - food, fun and great company.

These are 5 ideas that work for us. Use this as a beginning point and originate your own adventures with your child - even when it's not so nice outside.

5 Things to Do With a Toddler When the Weather is Bad

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